wow i've put up quite a bit of stuff! it's mostly sketchs and doodles from the last few days and one of them is a compile of older work i never finshed (e.g the danger girl head and mountain BG )
Alright, so it seems i've been "tagged" by my buddy
Ken Anderson to play Tag!
Here are the rules via copied from his blog
Here is the game rule:
1. You must link to the individual who tagged you and post the rules of TAG (which you are currently reading).
2. Post 7 random facts about yourself
3. Tag 7 friends and link to them and
4. Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving a nice little message on their blog.
so my 7 facts are:
- i don't often listen to music while on my way to work or even while i work most times.
- I don't currently own any of the Next gen systems and i don't have too much of an interest at this point.
- I like Chicken wings ( sweet & sour, hot & spicy and greek seasoned )
- I have an interest in politics and governments
- some of my fav TV shows are Blacks Books ( BBC Ch 4) I.T Crowd ( BBC as well ) and The big bang theory
- I love Comic books!
- I'm pretty damn tall ( 6'2 )
Thanks for the Tag Ken and sorry for the trouble to future victims which are:
KeiMac KoMokuuRagnar GNicole WangJohnnyRobi PenaCheers~